For the longest time, I heard preachers talk about tithing, and paying your tenth to the church. I also heard many excuses people used as to why they couldn't pay their tenth. Howeve,r I was convinced to try it and I find it works. Once I got started in paying my portion to the church, I find I don't miss it as I thought I would. As I read the scriptures, I find that ten percent of everything is not ours.
One of the things I became concerned about and questioned, " was I suppose to pay the tenth of my earnings from the net or from the gross". For years I took it from the net not knowing any better and found out I was cheating God in my tithes paying, because come income tax time, I wasn't paying my tenth from the return. Having learned, I've prospered and been richly blessed by giving God his tenth. I've become a cheereful giver, one who doesn't mind giving to the church. What they do with it is on them. So be it if they choose not to use it wisely and for God's business. I've done my part. I won't be held accountable for robbing God in tithes and offerings according to the Holy Scriptures.