A general blog page concerning many controvershal subjects from the Holy Scriptures. All are welcomed to join the discussion, especially born again believers. We'er here to discuss not debate these subjects. Everyone has a right to their opinion.
Yokes broken, those in bondage set free. The brokenhearted rejoice.
Published on September 5, 2006 By SonofZebedee In Religion

By Sons of Thunder
Posted Monday, August 21, 2006 on Word Of Truth
Discussion Welcome!!!

The only thing we have here is the written Word of God to be shared with those who freely accept it. The answers to questions placed on this blog will be answered through the Holy Scriptures. Not everyone will accept or believe the written Word, however, for those of you that do deliverence and blessings follow. To start us off on this venture, I'd like to ask this question. What is the whole duty of man according to the Bible and why does he have to obey this command ?

on Sep 05, 2006
Thank you for the Word. I'm encouraged that there are some god-fearing folks on the net.
This gives me a greater impetus to develop my own site at www.geocities.com/draw92me
on Sep 06, 2006
Thank you so much for your comments. I value people like you who understand and are inspired by the Living Word of God. Wisdom can be shared here with those who believe and are saved and born again. You might want to also look at my blog on "Sex before Marriage", and also, "Can I Get Divorced". I hope you continue to visit my blog and comment.



on Sep 06, 2006
So are you a really, really advanced bot or are you just a tool? What happened to all your other articles? I seem to remember this article existing before, but in another permutation. And as soon as the fire got hot in that other thread, you split like a scared cat. I restate the question you never answered: where does your supposed "authority" to declare the word come from? Who ordained you? And don't tell me it was the bible, because it can't ordain you to do anything, man.

Quit pasting the same trite articles over and over, trying to get your rambling message across.
on Sep 06, 2006
Kind of a Biblical Magic 8 Ball.
on Sep 06, 2006
Kind of a Biblical Magic 8 Ball.

Except less helpful.
on Sep 13, 2006
Reply by: SonOf Zebedee

San Choino !
The reason for pulling the other blog articles was because I mistakenly posted them twice, once here and in another place connected to this blog. As far as my ordination, I will not grace that question with an extensive answer as before. However I am ordained by man and licensed. The fire as you call it didn't get too hot, I simply corrected a mistake made through human error.

I think you have need of some serious prayer and I don't mind adding you to my prayer list. Reguardless of what you believe or think of me or my blog, the Word of God will continue and not return to him void. I believe that somebody has a need to read what I have to say.
on Sep 14, 2006
As far as my ordination, I will not grace that question with an extensive answer as before. However I am ordained by man and licensed.

You pulled your other thread before I ever got to read it, so . . . "grace" me with it. Where did this man get his authority? Do you have an unbroken line of authority back to Christ himself?

Thanks for the offer for prayers, but God and I are doing pretty well together. I know my place in His grand scheme of things, and that's what counts. Keep writing; I'll keep reading . . . and sharing my comments.
on Sep 14, 2006
San - is this Aeryk under another name?
on Sep 14, 2006
San - is this Aeryk under another name?

Who knows? He's a pundit in the same way.

I am a Christian, a good believing one, but I'm sick and tired of the people like Orionsbelt, SonsofZebedee and Aeryk who come on here and tell me how to live my religion and how to interpret the scriptures. And when they put down the beliefs of others (like when they attacked your spiritualism) it's time for me to roll up the sleeves . . .

These people have no, I repeat, no authority to say or preach any of what they say or preach. Unless they have an unbroken line of priesthood authority, they've got nothing, in my eyes.
on Sep 14, 2006
BTW . . . I am a saint, after all . . . "San" Chonino.
on Sep 14, 2006
BTW . . . I am a saint, after all . . . "San" Chonino.

A fiesty one too!   
on Sep 17, 2006
So . . . SonOfZebedee . . .

Did we scare ya away? Again?